Writing References Periodicals

Academic Writing


3. Periodical articles

The “where” element is usually a periodical. with volume, issue and page numbers, and a DOI or nondatabase URL. Database names or URLs are not included in the references list.

a. One author:

Abercrombie, D. (1968). Paralanguage. British Journal of Disorders of Communication, 3, 55-59.

b. Two authors:

Lipinsky, E. & Bender, R. (1980). Critical voices on the economy. Survey, 25, 38-42.

c. More than two authors:

Guiora, A. Z., Paluszny, M., Beit-Hallahmi, B., Catford, J. C., Cooley, R. E. & Dull, C. Y. (1975). Language and person: Studies in language behaviour. Language Learning, 25, 43-61.

d. Journal article, with DOI:

Gillett, A. J. & Hammond, A. C. (2009). Mapping the maze of assessment: An investigation into practice. Active Learning in Higher Education, 10, 120-137. https://doi.org/10.1177/1469787409104786

e. Journal article with nondatabase URL:

Jacobson, J. W., Mulick, J. A. Schwartz, A. A. (1995). A history of facilitated communication: Science, pseudoscience, and antiscience: Science working group on facilitated communication. American Psychologist, 50, 750-765. http://www.apa.org/journals/jacobson.html

f. Review of a book:

Carmody, T. P. (1982). A new look at medicine from a social perspective [Review of the book Social contexts of health, illness and patient care, by E. G. Mishler, L. R. Amarasingham, S. D. Osherson, S. T. Hauser, N. E. Waxler & R. Liem]. Contemporary Psychology, 27, 208-209.

g. Review of a book, no title:

Maley, A. (1994). [Review of the book Critical language awareness, by N. Fairclough]. Applied Linguistics, 15, 348-350.

h. Magazine article:

Gardner, H. (1981, December). Do babies sing a universal song? Psychology Today, 70-76.

i. Newspaper article:

James, R. (1991, December 15). Obesity affects economic social status. The Guardian, p. 18

j. Newspaper/Magazine article, no author:

Acid attack ‘scarred girl for life’. (1986, October 21). The Guardian, p. 4.

(In the main text, use a short form of the title for the citation: (“Acid Attack.” 1986))

k. Newspaper article, letter to the editor:

Hain, P. (1986, October 21). The police protection that women want [Letter to the editor]. The Guardian, p. 4.

l. Non-English journal articles:

Cao, L. (2000). Zhongguo yingyu chutan [The first exploration into China English]. Xibei Qinggongye Xueyuan Xuebao, 18, 120–23.

m. Journal article, in press:

Johns, A. M. (in press) Written argumentation for real audiences. TESOL Quarterly.
