Listening: Note-Taking Exercises

Listening comprehension & note-taking



All these exercises run in a new window (or a new tab depending on your settings). Close the new window to get back here.

Short Talks

Advertising Exercise

Astronomy Exercise

Education: Success & Failure Exercise

Endangered Nature Exercise

Environmental Science Exercise

Extinction of Species Exercise

Geology Exercise

Managerial Work Exercise

Marketing Exercise

Multinational Enterprises Exercise

Population Growth Exercise

Poverty Exercise

Sick Building Syndrome Exercise

Snoring Exercise

Sony Digital Voice Recorder – Video Exercise

The Family Exercise

United Kingdom Population Exercise

Valve Characteristics Exercise

William Perry Exercise

 Lectures – Mark Krzanowski & Don Hill

What is Language? Exercise

The Making of Modern English Exercise

Taxes, Quality of Life and Happiness Exercise

The Concept of the Environment Exercise

Sustainable Economic Development and the Protection of Biodiversity Exercise

Cloning: Arguments For and Against Exercise

Freedom and its Limits Exercise

Genetically Modified Foods Exercise

Political Correctness Exercise

Listening to Lectures by Jo McDonough

Biology Exercise

Computing Exercise

Government Exercise

Mechanics Exercise

Sociology Exercise
