English for Academic Purposes: Materials
Here are some materials that deal with aspects of vocabulary that you might find useful.
Vocabulary meaning and form
- Abbreviations
- Pronunciation
- Spelling
- Grammatical patterns
- Word classes
- Collocations
- Register
- Meaning
- Connotations
Which words
Vocabulary building
- Using prefixes, suffixes and roots to produce words
- Construction of compound nouns and adjectives
- Changing word forms (nouns to verbs etc)
- Word families (synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, polysemes, etc)
Vocabulary learning
- Strategies for learning
- Dictionary use
- Ways of dealing with meaning
- Recording new words
- Remembering new words
- Working out meaning of unknown words.
Vocabulary meaning and form
Bailey (2011, pp. 175-178)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2001, pp. 34-35)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2002, pp. 20-21)
MacKenzie (2006, pp. 112-113)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2001, pp. 36-37)
Schmitt & Schmitt (2005, pp. 135)
Sim & Laufer-Dvorkin (1984, pp. 13-14) -
Jordan (1980, pp. 115-119)
Grammatical patterns
Campbell (2007, pp. 40-51, 65-70, 85-89. 106-112, 128-135, 151-158)
Grammar patterns 1: Verbs (1996)
Grammar patterns 2: Nouns and adjectives (1998)
Sim & Laufer-Dvorkin (1984, pp. 31, -
Word classes
Campbell (2007, pp. 17-22, 58-59, 78, 98-99, 119-120, 143)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2001, pp. 10-11)
Campbell (2007, pp. 32-39, 63-65, 82-84, 102-106, 124-127, 147-151)
Esteras & Fabre (2007, pp. 82-83)
Hill & Lewis (1997)
Huntley (2006, pp. 7, 18, 28, 40, 51, 60, 72, 85, 97, 105, 113, 127, 138, 150, 158, 168, 181, 192, 207, 216)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2002, pp. 12-13)
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of English (2002)
Schmitt & Schmitt (2005, pp.8-10, 18-19, 29, 43-44, 52-53, 63, 76-77, 86-87, 97-98, 110-111, 119-121, 130, 144-145, 153-155, 164, 177-178, 185-187, 196, 208-209, 218-219, 228-229)
Sim & Laufer-Dvorkin (1984, pp. 6, 19, 29)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2001, pp. 192-195)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2002, pp. 16-17)
Thomas (1986, pp. 82-86)
Campbell (2007, pp. 54-58, 74-77, 93-97, 115-118, 138-142)
Schmitt & Schmitt (2005, pp. 5-6, 14-16, 25-28,40-41, 49-50, 59-62, 73-74, 82-84, 93-96, 107-108, 116-118, 126-128, 141-144, 150-152, 160-163, 174-175, 182-184, 192-196, 205-206, 214-216, 225-227)
Sim & Laufer-Dvorkin (1984, pp. 6-7, 12-13, 19-21, 32-33, 42-43, 52-53, 62-63, 70-73)
Zwier (2002)
Which words
Academic Word List
Campbell (2007, pp. 53-172)
Huntley (2006)
Porter (2001)
Schmitt & Schmitt (2005)
Subject specific vocabulary
Brieger & Pohl (2002)
Esteras & Fabre (2007)
Glendinning & Howard (2007)
Mascull (1996, 1997; 2002; 2004)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2002, pp. 32-219)
MacKenzie (1995; 1997; 2006)
Thomas (1986; 1989)
Vocabulary building
Using prefixes, suffixes and roots to produce words
Bailey (2011, pp. 203-206)
Burgmeier, Eldred & Zimmerman (1991, pp. 8, 35, 80)
Campbell (2007, pp.25-27, 62-63, 81-82, 101-102, 123, 146-147)
Esteras & Fabre (2007, pp. 76-79)
Heaton & Dunmore (1992, pp. 15-21)
Huntley (2006, pp. 8, 19, 29, 52, 61, 71, 86, 98, 105, 115, 128, 139, 150, 158, 170, 182, 193, 208, 217, 232-236)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2001, pp. 18-23)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2002, pp. 22-27)
Schmitt & Schmitt (2005, pp. 33-34, 135, )
Sim & Laufer-Dvorkin (1984, pp. 18-19, 28, 49-50, 59, 60)
Thomas (1986, pp. 60-65)
Thomas (1989, pp. 34-38)
Construction of compound nouns and adjectives
Esteras & Fabre (2007, pp. 80-81)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2001, pp. 26-31)
Thomas (1986, pp. 66-81)
Thomas (1989, pp. 38-39) -
Changing word forms (nouns to verbs etc),
Bailey (2011, pp. 179-182, 198-202)
Campbell (2007, pp. 23, 27-28, )
Sim & Laufer-Dvorkin (1984, pp. 11, 39, 59-60, 69, 78-79)
Thomas (1989, pp. 29-33) -
Word families (synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, polysemes, etc)
Bailey (2011, pp. 222-226)
Burgmeier, Eldred & Zimmerman (1991, pp. 8-9, 11, 30, 32, 34, 55, 56, 78, 100, 126-128, 146)
Campbell (2007, pp. 60-61, 79-80, 99-101, 120-122, 144-146)
Huntley (2006, pp. 5, 17, 27, 39, 58, 71, 83, 96, 105, 112, 126, 137, 149, 167, 180, 191, 206, 215)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2001, pp. 20)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2002, pp.14-15)
Schmitt & Schmitt (2005, pp. 6-8, 15-16, 16-18, 28-29, 41-42, 51-52, 62, 75-76, 85-86, 96-97, 109-110, 118-119, 129, 143-144, 152-153, 163, 175-176, 184-185, 195, 207-208, 217-218, 228)
Sim & Laufer-Dvorkin (1984, pp. 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 18, 28, 39, 49, 68-69, 78)
Vocabulary learning
Strategies for learning
Heaton & Dunmore (1992, pp. 14-21)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2001, pp. 4-5)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2002, pp. 6-7)
Schmitt & Schmitt (2005, pp. 31-35, 65-68, 99-102, 133-136, 166-168, 198-200, 231-234)
Dictionary use
Esteras & Fabre (2007, pp. 10-11)
Heaton & Dunmore (1992, pp. 14-15)
Huntley (2006, pp. 4, 16, 26, 38, 37, 70, 82, 95, 111, 125, 136, 148, 166, 179, 190, 205, 221)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2001, pp. 12-13)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2002, pp. 10-11)
Schmitt & Schmitt (2005, pp. 65-67, 99-101, 166-168, 198-199, 231-232)
Thomas (1986, pp. 1-3)
Thomas (1989, pp. 1-3)
Recording new words
Heaton & Dunmore (1992, p. 21)
Huntley (2006, pp. 223-225)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2001, pp. 6-9)
Schmitt & Schmitt (2005, pp. xii-xiii)
Remembering new words
McCarthy & O’Dell (2001, pp. 14-15)
Working out meaning of unknown words.
Burgmeier, Eldred & Zimmerman (1991, pp. 7-8)
Campbell (2007, pp. 9-22)
Esteras & Fabre (2007, pp. 10-11)
Huntley (2006, pp. 3, 14, 24, 35, 48, 55, 68, 80, 93, 102, 109, 122, 134, 146, 155, 163, 177, 188, 202, 213)
McCarthy & O’Dell (2001, pp. 16-17)