Speaking in Academic Contexts
Academic Spoken Genres
Students these days will probably be expected to work in groups.
Group discussions often take the following form:
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Typical stages in a group discussion include:
1. Introduction
1.1 Welcome
1.2 Introducing yourself
1.3 Introducing your colleagues
1.4 Making a plan
2 Making your presentation
2.1 Introducing the topic
2.2 Making a statement of intention
2.3 Giving the information in detail
2.3.1 Defining terms
2.3.2 Description
2.3.3 Sequencing
2.3.4 Describing graphs and figures
2.3.5 Describing similarities and differences / Comparing and contrasting
2.3.6 Classifying
2.3.7 Illustrating a point – giving examples and referring to research
2.4.8 Amplification of a point
2.4.9 Explaining a point
2.4.10 Emphasising a point
2.4 Checking that people are following
2.5 Summarising and concluding
2.6 Inviting others to contribute
3 Controlling the discussion
3.1 Chairing the discussion
3.2 Changing the subject – moving on
3.3 Speeding up things
3.4 Directing the discussion
3.5 Drawing attention to a breakdown in communication
3.6 Coming to a conclusion
4 Participating in the discussion
4.1 Interrupting politely
4.2 Asking questions – asking for more information/clarification/opinions
4.3 Following up a question.
4.4 Stating a point of view – supporting your view
4.5 Agreeing and disagreeing – challenging and commenting
4.6 Expressing doubt and reservation
4.7 Making suggestions
4.8 Advising and persuading
4.9 Apologising
4.10 Encouraging
4.11 Checking – making sure that you have understood
4.12 Holding the floor – preventing interruptions
5. Ending
5.1 Summarising
5.2 Thanking
5.3 Saying goodbye
See also: Speaking: Presentation Language