Academic Writing
Check list
Here are some useful questions to ask yourself about your writing:
- Does your writing deal with the topic that was set?
- Does it answer the question/deal with the brief that was set?
- Is the the correct genre? i.e is it a report or an essay or a review?
- Does it cover all the main aspects and in sufficient depth?
- Is the content accurate and relevant?
- Is everything relevant to the topic?
- Is the material logically arranged?
- Have you used paragraphs well?
- Is each main point well supported by data, examples and argument?
- Is there a clear distinction between your ideas and those of other authors?
- Is your voice clear throughout?
- Have you acknowledged all the sources you have used?
- Is the length of the text right for its purpose?
- Have you considered your audience?
- Is it written in a suitable style?
- Is the grammar, punctuation and spelling acceptable?
- Is it neat and legibly written?
- Is it on time?