Materials: Needs Listening

Academic English Needs: Listening

Use the following table to find out what your academic English language needs for listening are and your ability in each area. You can then work out your priorities.


How important is it for you to perform these tasks well in English?

How well can you perform these tasks in English?


Not important

Quite important

Very important


Not at all

Not well

Quite well

Very well


1. Listening in lectures


2. Listening in seminars and discussions

3. Listening to recorded speech                

4. Following instructions


5. Watching films/videos


6. Understanding main points


7. Listening to get specific information for assignments


8. Listening to establish and evaluate speaker’s position


9. Listening quickly and efficiently


10. Understanding vocabulary


11. Listening and answering questions


12. Listening to different accents


13. Taking notes


14. Other listening activity (please specify)
