Writing: Features Introduction Exercise Text 10

Academic Writing

Features of Academic Writing

Introduction – Exercise

Text 10

Puzzle for Nigel as tortoise does a runner

RETIRED policeman Nigel Folds is trying to solve the mystery of the disappearing tortoise. For the leopard tortoise from South Africa vanished from his garden in Maltings Drive, Wheathampstead, between 2pm and 5pm on Friday, August 15. Nigel, who has a collection of more than a dozen tortoises of different types, is certain the female tortoise, which is between 15 and 18 inches long, has been taken from his garden by children. He said: “We have a six-foot panel fence around the garden to keep them all in. We live next to a playground and I feel some youngsters simply couldn’t resist the temptation.” The missing tortoise is one of a breeding pair which he had bought for £500 each just 10 days before it disappeared and Nigel is worried that it will not survive without special care once the nights become cooler.


Nigel began his collection of tortoises around nine years ago. He said: “Although it is now illegal to import the Mediterranean variety,

there are many others which can still be brought into the country from other parts of the world. We have successfully bred the Mediterranean variety in the past but this year our mature female has not laid any eggs.” Anyone with information should call Nigel on 01582 833355 or the police on 01707 638102.

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