Useful Links for EAP
- Academic Grammar for students of the Arts and Social Sciences (a Web-based resource to help students with their academic assignments.)
- Cybergrammar (designed to support and develop knowledge of grammar)
- Internet Grammar of English (a complete online English grammar from University College, London)
- WebCorp: The web as corpus (use the web to find out how words and phrases are used )
- Academic Vocabulary (Expand your academic vocabulary using the Academic Word List, by Sandra Haywood)
- Academic Keyword List (The Academic Keyword List from Centre for English Corpus Linguistics, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
- Academic Word List (A list of useful academic words and advice on how to learn them, by Averil Coxhead)
- A Word a Day (Learn a new word every day)
- British National Corpus (Find typical contexts in which words occur)
- Coca (The Corpus of Contemporary American English)
- Financial Dictionary
- HE Glossary (Glossary of terms used in Higher Education in UK)
- Interesting things for ESL students (Quizzes, puzzles, proverbs, anagrams, slang and more by Charles Kelly and Larry Kelly)
- Language Guide (Everyday vocabulary in many languages)
- Legal Dictionary
- Medical Dictionary
- The Compleat Lexical Tutor (For data-driven language learning on the web)
- The Sketch Engine (On-line language analysis)
- Thesaurus (Synonyms, Antonyms, and Related Words)
- Vocabulary Exercises for the Academic Word List (Gap-fill to practise the general word families within the AWL)
- Web Corp (Concordance the web in real-time.)
- Word Games (Games and activities based on Merriam Webster’s dictionaries)
- Words in the News (Words used in recent BBC news reports)
Specific subjects
- English for Engineers (Useful site from Southampton)
- Financial Dictionary
- Legal Dictionary
- Medical Dictionary
- 10 Public Speaking Tips (How to relax, focus, and shine at your next presentation – published by Purdue University Global).
- Sounds of English (Activities and exercises for pronunciation and listening)
- Effective Oral Presentations (from Rice University, Houston, Texas)
- Tips for Giving Scientific Presentations (Resource materials relating to scientific presentations)
- The Oral Presentation Skills Site (An excellent site from the University of Hong Kong. )
- Academic Phrasebank (A useful resource for academic writers from John Morley at Manchester)
- Academic Writing Module (from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
- Academic Writing Centre (from Central European University)
- Advice on Academic Writing (University of Toronto)
- College Writing Guide (Resources and links from Online Colleges)
- Cornell University (General information about writing a research paper)
- English for Engineers (Useful site from Southampton)
- ESL projects (ESL web-based projects)
- iCite – referencing at the University of Birmingham
- Open University (Skills for OU study: Writing in your own words)
- OWL (Purdue University’s On-Line Writing Lab)
- Plagiarism and How to Avoid it (By David Garner in Hong Kong)
- Research Paper Internet Library (Information and links for writing research papers)
- The Writing Center (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- Thinking Writing (A guide to writing-intensive teacing & learning, QMUL)
- Writer’s Web (Good resources for essay writing)
- Writing and Presenting your Thesis or Dissertation (Advice from Joseph Levine at Michigan State University)
- Writing DEN (Writing tips: paragraphs & essays)
- Writing for College (A full-length college and basic writing textbook)
- Writing Resources (from Harvard University)
- American Psychological Association (Electronic reference formats recommended by the APA)
- Chicago Manual of Style (Essential guide for writers, editors and publishers)
- Citation Guide (Guide to different citation styles from
- Duke University: Citing Sources
- Modern Languages Association (Documenting sources from the world wide web – MLA style)
- US National Library of Medicine (Useful information on Vancouver/Numerical style of referencing)
- Punctuation (Learn about full stops, commas, colons, etc.)
- Spelling (Check your spelling.)
- The Blue book (The blue book of grammar and punctuation)
- The Guardian Style Guide (Useful information on aspects of style: spelling, punctuation, capitalisation, hyphens etc.)
- On-line books page (17000 books in English to read on-line)
- Project Gutenberg (Almost every literary classic you can think of – on-line
- 50 Things that Changed the Modern Economy (BBC World Service)
- BBC Insight Plus – Talk about English (An older site, featuring lectures on many typical academic subjects, such as global warming, economics and drug use).
- BBC Radio 4 (Old and new radio programmes from BBC Radio 4)
- Britain at Work: Voices from the Workplace (Interviews with workers 1945 – 1955)
- Video (Top news and stories from CNN)
- Euronews (News in six European languages, including English)
- (Links to lectures on a range of subjects).
- Great Speeches (Famous speeches from the History Channel)
- The History Place (Great Speeches Collection)
- Listening Lab (Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab)
- npr (National Public Radio)
- RadioDiaries (Lives and experiences of Americans)
- Real English (Interactive Video Online)
- Reith Lectures (A selection from the historic BBC series)
- StoryCorps (People talking about their lives)
- TED (lectures on a wide range of topics, with transcipts and subtitles)
- Top 100 Speeches (Famous American Speeches)
- Videojug (Everything you want to learn explained on video)
- Voice of America (VoA news in 55 languages, including English)
- Voices from the Archives (BBC Audio Archives)
- World Service (Watch and listen from BBC World Service)
All skills
- Academic Writing for PhD Students (self-study materials for PhD students on writing a first year report and writing about qualitative research from University of Edinburgh).
- Activities for ESL Students (Self-study quizzes, interactive quizzes, crossword puzzles and more from teachers around the world)
- Dave’s ESL Cafe (Many language practice links)
- Effective English Learning (self-study materials for undergraduates on listening & note-taking, writing assignments, good grammar & preparing for exams from University of Edinburgh).
- Research and Learning Online (Excellent materials from Monash University)
- Research Methods (UEfAP Research Methods)
- Learn English (British Council Learn English site.)
- Tips for effective poster design (University of Birmingham)
- Guide to Effective Poster Design (Argonne National Laboratory
- Designing Effective Posters (University of North Carolina)
- Making an Impact with your Poster (University of Liverpool)
Study skills
- How to Study – Study Skills To Learn Effectively (From Open Colleges, Australia)
- How to Study Effectively (Useful guides to studying effectively)
- Your Brain Map (Strategies for accelerated learning from the Open Colleges, Australia)
- BALEAP (Accredited EAP Courses in UK universities)
- British Council Education UK (Find out everything you need to know about studying in Britain)
- English in Britain (EiB accredited courses)
- English UK (Accredited courses in schools, colleges and universities in UK)
- Visit Britain (The ultimate guide to Britain from the British Tourist Authority)
- ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe)
- Cambridge Assessment (Information on FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS etc.)
- IELTS (English language test for UK university entrance)
- Inside the TOEFL (GoGrad guide to TOEFL).
- Kaplan’s TestPrep (Preparation for TOEFL, TOEIC, GMAT etc)
- Password (Online test of intermediate academic English)
- PTE Academic (Pearson test of academic English)
- TOEFL (English Language test for American university entrance)
- TOEIC Information (Information on the Test of English for International Communication)
- The Big Project (Links to newspapers in English)
- Big Issue (On-line version of UK magazine)
- The Guardian (Current issues of Guardian and Observer)
- The Independent (Electronic version of UK daily newspaper)
- The Telegraph (The Electronic Telegraph)
- The Times (The electronic version of the best known UK newspaper)
- AP – Associated Press (Up to the minute news from around the world)
- Newslink (Links to newspapers around the world)
- Reuters (Up to the minute news)
- The Paperboy (Links to on-line editions of newspapers round the world)
- BBC Online (One of the best UK news sites on the web)
- CNN Interactive (Up to date news from CNN)
- Economist (The Economist Web Edition)
- New Internationalist (The people, the ideas, the action in the fight for global justice.)
- New Scientist (Latest issue of the popular science magazine)
- Scientific American (On-line edition of popular scientific magazine)
- The Register (Lots of technology news)
- Cambridge On-line Dictionaries (On-line access to five learner dictionaries)
- FOLDOC (Free online dictionary of computing)
- Financial Dictionary
- Legal Dictionary
- Medical Dictionary
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary (On-line version of best US dictionary)
- Webopedia (Encyclopaedia of computer related terms)
- Thesaurus (Synonyms, Antonyms, and Related Words)
Other reference
- Ask (If you want information on anything, ask)
- Ask Oxford (Online dictionaries from Oxford University Press)
- (Biographies of 25,000 people including well known personalities)
- Britannica (The Encyclopedia Britannica on-line)
- Encylopedia (From
- (Chambers electronic encyclopedia)
- Great Books Online (Reference books, including Columbia Encyclopedia)
- How stuff works (How technological things work)
- History today (Online library from History Today magazine)
- How everything works (How everything works)
- National Statistics Website (The latest comprehensive range of official UK statistics and information.)
- Roget’s Thesaurus (Roget’s Thesaurus: Fully searchable)
- The British Library (The British Library on the web)
- The Library of Congress (The USA’s oldest federal cultural institution)
- US Census (The latest comprehensive range of official US statistics and information.)
- World Fact Book (Regularly updated information available from the CIA!)
- (country related information on key business sectors in the world’s major markets. )
- Cambridge University Press
- Cengage (Cengage Learning)
- Collins Cobuild
- DELTA Publishing
- Garnet Education
- Pearson ELT
- Macmillan Education
- Oxford University Press
- (“the world’s largest online marketplace for secondhand, rare, and out-of-print books”)
- Amazon Books (A very large general Internet bookshop in USA)
- Amazon Books UK (The UK branch of Amazon)
- BEBC (Bournemouth English Book Centre)
- (Search for out of print or used books)
- BALEAP PIM Reports (Reports of the BALEAP Professional Issues Meetings)
- English for Specific Purposes (Journal from Elsevier with relevant research into the language of specific subjects)
- Journal of English for Academic Purposes (Journal from Elsevier enables EAP practitioners to keep up to date)
- academic.writing (Interdisciplinary perspectives on communication across the curriculum)
- Applied Linguistics (Applied Linguistics publishes research into language with relevance to real world problems.)
- Assessing Writing (Forum for ideas, research and practice on the assessment of written language)
- ELT Journal (Oxford University Press’s English Language Teaching Journal)
- ESP Across Cultures (Refereed international journal from University of Foggia, dealing with a wide range of specialised fields)
- ESP World (English for Specific Purposes World – Web-based Journal)
- Forum (US Department of State: English Language Teaching publication)
- Ibérica (Journal of AELFE – Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos)
- International Student Experience Journal (Peer-reviewed online publication for those involved in the field of researching, teaching and providing services to international students in higher education in the UK and other English speaking countries)
- Internet TESOL Journal (Monthly web-based journal)
- Journal of Academic Writing (The journal of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing)
- Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (The journal of the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education)
- Journal of Pragmatics (A forum for pragmatic studies in sociolinguistics, general linguistics, conversation analysis, discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics, computational linguistics, applied linguistics and other areas of linguistic research.)
- Journal of Second Language Writing (Reports of research and discussion of central issues in second language and foreign language writing and writing instruction)
- LTR (Language Teaching Research Journal)
- Prospect (Australian Journal of Teaching/Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages – 1985-2009)
- ReCALL (The journal of the European Association for Computer Assisted Language)
- Reading in a Foreign Language (Refereed online journal of issues in foreign language reading and literacy)
- System (An international journal of educational technology and applied linguistics)
- TESL-EJ (TESOL web-based Journal)
- TESOL Quarterly (Important journal from TESOL International)
- CAL (Center for Applied Linguistics)
- TESOL English for Specific Purposes SIG (TESOL ESP Interest Section)
- ESP SIG (IATEFL ESP Special Interest Group)
- IPA (International Phonetic Association)
TESOL/Applied Linguistics Journals
- BALEAP (An organisation of professional teachers, lecturers, testers, course designers, etc., involved in EAP around the world)
- ALDinHE (Association for Learning Development in Higher Education)
- BAAL (British Association for Applied Linguistics)
- EATAW (European Assosciation of Teachers of Academic Writing)
- IATEFL (International Association of English Language Teachers)
- TESOL (The web site of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc., an international association dedicated to the effective teaching of English worldwide.)
- AELFE (European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes)
- AntConc (A freeware corpus analysis toolkit for concordancing and text analysis.)
- BAWE (British corpus of academic writing in English).
- BNC (British National Corpus)
- CCCC Bibliography (Conference on College Composition and Communication Bibliography of Composition and Rhetoric)
- COCA (Corpus of Contemporary American English)
- Compleat Lexical Tutor
- CompPile (Inventory of publications in post-secondary composition, rhetoric, ESL, and technical writing)
- Daily Lesson Plan (From the New York Times)
- ESL Employment (Jobs worldwide in ELT/ESP/EAP. Career-related information, lesson plans, activities and related resources)
- IPA – Unicode (The International Phonetic Alphabet in Unicode)
- Intellectual Property (Information on copyright, designs, patents and trade marks.)
- MICUSP (Michigan corpus of upper-level student papers).
- Oxford Text Archive (Dedicated to the collection, description, preservation and dissemination of electronic textual resources.)
- Sketch Engine (On-ine language analysis)
- Teaching English (Resources for teachers from the British Council and BBC)
- Teaching Grammar (A new site on teaching grammar, maintained by Geoff Dean and Dick Hudson).
- Word& (An alternative interface to COCA, focusing on academic writing)
- WordSmith Tools (Windows software for finding word patterns.)
Teaching Methods
Sources for making exercises
- Creative Technology (TexToys for WebSequitur & WebRhubarb)
- Flash Video (used for making the Flash videos in the listening exercises).
- Hacking Hot Potatoes (A useful book to extend Hot Potatoes)
- Half-Baked Software (Hot Potatoes – excellent program – used for most of my exercises)
- Krystal Hosting (Krystal Hosting hosts
- Peachpit Press (I like their HTML 4 for the world wide web,JavaScript for the world wide web, and DHTML and CSS for the world wide web.)
- The Javascript Source (More scripts available online)
- Unicode Resources (Alan Wood’s Unicode resources)
- WebQuiz (A small useful program from Mike Scott)
- Word Press ( & uefap blog uses WordPress)