Writing a reference list

Exercise 2

There is one mistake in every entry. Correct them and check your answers.
Belcher, D. D. (1989) How professors initiate non-native speakers into their disciplinary discourse communities. Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education, 1, 207-225.
Brett, P. 1994. A genre analysis of the results sections of sociology articles. English for Specific Purposes, 13, 47-59.
Bridgeman, B., & Carlson, S. B. Survey of academic writing tasks. Written Communication, 1, 247-280.
Campbell, A. F. (1983). Organise your English. Hodder and Stoughton.
Clyne, M. (1983). Culture and discourse structure. In Smith L. E.(Ed.), Readings in English as an international language (pp. 163-167). Prentice Hall.
M. Clyne (1987). Discourse structures and discourse expectations: Implications for Anglo-German academic communication in English. In L. E. Smith (Ed.), Discourse across cultures: Strategies in world Englishes (pp. 73-83). London: Prentice Hall.
Dudley-Evans, A. (1984). "A preliminary investigation of the writing of dissertation titles". In G. James (Ed.), The ESP classroom: Methodology, materials and expectations (pp. 40-46). University of Exeter.
Cookson, L. (1984). Writing. Hutchinson.
Dudley-Evans, A. (1986). Genre analysis: an investigation of the introductions and discourse sections of MSc dissertations. In M. Coulthard, Talking about text (pp. 128-145). Birmingham: English Language Research, Birmingham University.
Grellet, F. (1981). Developing Reading Skills. Cambridge.
Hamp-Lyons, L. & K. B. Courter (1984). Research matters. Newbury House.
Hopkins, A. & Dudley-Evans, T. (1988). A genre-based investigation of the discussion sections in articles and dissertations. English for Specific Purposes, 7, 113-121.
Hopkins, A. (1989). Perspectives. Longman.
Horowitz, D. (1986). Essay examination prompts and the teaching of academic writing. English for Specific Purposes, 5.
Horowitz, D. (1986). What professors actually want: Academic tasks for the ESL classroom. TESOL Quarterly, 20, 445-462.
Horowitz, D. (1989). The undergraduate research paper: Where research and writing meet. System, 347-357.
Houghton, D. (1984). Overseas students writing essays in English: Learning the rules of the game. In James, G. (ed.), The ESP classroom: Methodology, materials, expectations (pp. 47-57). Exeter University Press.
Howe, Pat. (1983). Answering examination question. Collins.
Hyland, K. (1990). A genre description of argumentative essays. RELC Journal, 21, 66-78.
Ivanic, R. & Roach, D. (1990). Academic writing, power and disguise. In R. Clark, N. Fairclough, R. Ivanic, N. McLeod, J. Thomas, & P. Meara (Ed.), Language and power (pp. 103-121). BAAL and CILT.
Jin, L. & Cortazzi, M. (1993). Cultural orientation and academic language use. In D. Gradol, L. Thompson, & M. Byram (Eds.), Language and culture (pp. 84-97). BAAL and Multilingual Matters.
Jordan, Bob (1988). The introductory paragraph in economics essays and examinations. In P. Robinson (Ed.), Academic writing - Process and product (ELT Documents 129, pp. 63-66). Modern English Publications/British Council.
Jordan, R. R. (1989). English for academic purposes (EAP). Language Teaching, 22.
Jordan, R. R. (1990). Academic writing course (new ed.). Nelson.
Kachru, Y. (1995). Contrastive rhetoric in world Englishes. English Today, 11(1), pages 21 to 31.
Kachru, Y. (1996). Kachru revisits contrasts. English Today, 12(1), 41-44.
Kaldor. S., Herriman, M., & Rochecouste, J. (1994). Academic writing in English by non-native speakers - the interface of grammar and discourse. In Khoo (Ed.), LSP: Problems and prospects (pp. 114-126). SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.
King, P. 1989). The uncommon core: Some discourse features of student writing. System, 17, 13-20.
Kaplan, R. (1966). Cultural thought patterns in intercultural education. Language Learning, 16, 1-20.
Kinnell, M. (Ed.). (1990). The learning experience of overseas students.
Leki, I, & Carson, J. (1994). Students' perceptions of EAP writing instruction and writing needs across the disciplines. TESOL Quarterly, 81-101.
Leki, I. (1989). Academic writing. Macmillan.
McArthur, T. (1984). The written word 1. Oxford University Press.
McArthur, T. (1984). The written word 2. Oxford University Press.
E. McKenna, (1987). Preparing foreign students to enter discourse communities in the US. English for Specific Purposes, 6, 187-202.
Nelson. J. (1990) This was an easy assignment: Examining how students interpret academic writing tasks. Research in the Teaching of English, 24, 362-396.
Nwogu, K. N. (1991). Structure of science popularisations: A genre-analysis approach to the schema of popularised medical texts. English for Specific Purposes, 10, 111-123.
Open University. (1979). Preparing to study.
Oshima, A. & Hogue, A. (1991). Writing academic English (2 ed.). Addison-Wesley.
Polanyi, L. (86). A theory of discourse structure and discourse coherence. Chicago Linguistics Society, 21, 306-322.
Smith, M. & G. (1988). A study skills handbook. Oxford University Press.
Sullivan (1983). Writing. NEC.
Swales, J. (1982). Examining examination papers. English Language Research Journal, 3.
Trzeciak, J. & Mackay, S. E. (1994). Prentice Hall.
Turk, & Kirkman. (1989). Effective writing. E. & F. N. Spon.
Wallace M (1980). Study Skills In English. Cambridge University Press.
The dark blue book.
R. (1982). Panorama: An advanced course of English for study and examinations. Longman.

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