Put the following in alphabetical order.ULEAC (1991). Certificate of attainment in English: General information. University of London Examinations and Assessment Council.Wong, R., Glendinning, E. & Mantell, H. (1994). Becoming a writer. Longman.University of Hertfordshire (1 September, 1996). University policies and regulations: Applications and admissions, number 14.1: Appendix II. University of Hertfordshire.University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (1995). English as a Foreign Language examination, certificates and diplomas: Regulations 1995. UCLES.Walker, T. (1992). English for academic purposes - computer science. Prentice Hall.Yates, C. St. J. (1992). English for academic purposes - Agriculture. Prentice Hall.Zimmerman, F. (1989). English for science. Prentice Hall.Carol, B. J. & West, R. (1989). ESU framework: Performance scales for English language examinations. Longman.Chafe, W. (1982). Integration and involvement in speaking, writing, and oral literature. In D. Tannen (Ed.), Spoken and written language: Exploring orality and literacy (pp. 35-53). Ablex Publishing Corporation.Educational Testing Service (1992). TOEFL test and score manual. Educational Testing Service.Cookson, L. (1984). Writing. Hutchinson.Davies, A., & Criper, C. (1987). Research report 1: ELTS validation project report. University of Edinburgh.Abdulaziz, H. T. & Stover, A. D. (1989). Academic challenges in reading. Prentice Hall.Adkins, A. & McKean, I. (1985). Text to note. Edward Arnold.Dudley-Evans, T. (1985). Writing laboratory reports. Nelson.Drew, S. & Bingham, R. (1997). The student skills guide. Gower.Hargreaves, R. & Fletcher, M. (1978). Making polite noises. Evans.De Leeuw, M. & De Leeuw, E. (1965). Read better read faster. Pelican.Ferguson, N. & O'Reilly, M. (1977). Listening and note taking. Evans.ECS/British Council (1991). Code of practice: Educational institutions and overseas students (2nd ed.). The British Council.Neufeld, J. (1987). A handbook for technical communication. Prentice Hall.Gattegno, C. (1969). Towards a visual culture. Outerbridge Dienstfrey.Glendinning, E. & McEwan, J. (1987). English in computing. Nelson.Murphy, R. (1985). English grammar in use. Oxford University Press.Hogue, A. (1996). First steps in academic writing. Longman.International English Language Testing System (1989). An Introduction to IELTS. The British Council.Laird, E. (1977). English in focus: English in education. Oxford University Press.Kwan-Terry, A. (1988). Interactive writing. Prentice Hall.Maddox, H. (1963). How to study. Fawsett Premier.Latulippe, L. D. (1992). Writing as a personal product. Prentice Hall.Leki, I. (1989). Academic writing. Macmillan.Jones, L. (1981). Functions of English. Cambridge University PressNorthedge, A. (1990). The good study guide. The Open University Press.Davies, E. & Whitney, N. (1981). Strategies for reading. Heinemann.O'Connor, J. D. (1980). Better English pronunciation (new ed.). Cambridge University Press.Alderson, J. C., Krahnke, K. J. & Standfield, C. W. (Eds.). (1987). Reviews of English language proficiency tests. TESOL.Davies, E. & Whitney, N. (1979). Reasons for reading. Heinemann.Bachman, L. F. (1986). Reading English discourse: Business, economics, law, & political science. Prentice Hall.Lawrence, M. (1972). Writing as a thinking process. University of Michigan Press.Campbell, A. F. (1983). Organise your English. Hodder and Stoughton.Bell, J. (1999). Doing your research project. Open University Press.Davies, E. & Whitney, N. (1985). Study skills for reading. Heinemann.Pirie, D. B. (1985). How to write critical essays. Routledge.Davies, S. & West, R. (1984). The Pitman Guide To English Language Examinations (2nd ed.). Pitman.Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G. & Svartvik, J. (1985). A comprehensive grammar of the English language. Longman.Seal, B. (1997). Academic encounters. Cambridge University Press.Tonkyn, A. (1995). English language proficiency standards for overseas students: Who needs what level? The Journal of International Education, 6(2), 37-61.Raimes, A. (1999). Keys for writers: A brief handbook (2nd ed.). Houghton Mifflin Company.
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